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    放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-01-21  浏览次数:1783830546

    Expressions on dyeing/printing process


    A scrutiny reveals that the dyestuffs applied to the design are different for the ordinary ones, i.e. special dyestuffs are required for printing the design.


    Since the printing technology and equipments of the mills are different form one another, it is impossible to have the goods turned out in colours exact to those of the original samples.


    Even though the same mill produces goods in the same design as what they supplied in the past, there may be still colour deviation between the new products and the previous ones because exactness in practically impossible.


    Since your design is in turquoise ground colour which is rather expensive, we have to use the reactive dyes for making similar colour as a substitute.

    (5) 花型循环的尺寸必须按比例缩小。

    The size of your design repeat has to be reduced proportion.


    Being antagonistic to each other, the black and the turquoise cannot be matched technologically. We shall use reactive dyes to produce a colour other than than the turquoise, but as near the turquoise as possible.


    Our mills don't think it necessary to send you counter sketches for your approval, because they have fully understood the requirement after examining your samples.


    Your design samples should be numbered respectively, so that they can be readily referred to for your orders to come.


    It is difficult to keep a good connection between stencil frames when these vertical stripes are printed by screen printing.


    We have noted form your letter that you would not send us a new design for replacement. Hence, it will be our pleasure to receive your amended assoutment, which please despatch immediately, so as to enable the mills to start the production at an early date.

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