Explanations on qualities & specifications
We adopt English system not metric system to indicate the construction of our cotton piece goods.
We sell our cotton piece goods by yard not by weight.
This grey cloth is usually supplied in the piece length of 117 yards with a maximum of 10% short pieces, each in 39 or 78 yards.
The piece length of our dyed, printed, and yarn-dyed goods is usually in 30 or 40 yards, and a maximum of 10% of two-part pieces with the shorter part not less the 10 yards in to be included in each shipment. For each two-part piece an allowance of 0.25 yard will be provided free.
The grey, dyed, and printed goods are supplied with defects if any, uncut. For each defect or fault, irrespective of its extend, the allowance of 0.25 yard thus given will not be mentioned on invoice.
For dyed, yarn-dyed, and printed cloths, a tolerance of plus or minus 2.5% in quantity for each colourway or each shade shall be permitted.
Slight difference in design or shade between paper sketch and actual fabric printed is to be allowed.
Our woollen fabrics are usually described by their width, composition and weight per yard but not by their yarn counts and number of warps and fillings per inch, which please note.