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    纺织类英语:成分及分析测试 [上]

    放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-08-31  作者:张文文  浏览次数:2108576618
    核心提示:1. Fibe analysis 纤维分析 2. Identification of virgin/recycled wool 新羊毛/再造毛鉴定 3. Identification of noble animal fiber&natural cellulosic fibre other than cotton 特殊纤维鉴定 4. Identification of lambswool 羊仔毛鉴定 5. Fibre diameter 纤维直径 6. coarse hair content 粗

    SGS TEST通标公司测试

    A. Composition and analytical tests 成分及其他分析测试

    1. Fibe analysis 纤维分析

    2. Identification of virgin/recycled wool 新羊毛/再造毛鉴定

    3. Identification of noble animal fiber&natural cellulosic fibre other than cotton 特殊纤维鉴定

    4. Identification of lambswool 羊仔毛鉴定

    5. Fibre diameter 纤维直径

    6. coarse hair content 粗毛含量

    7. PH value 酸碱度

    8. moisture content /regain 水分含量

    9. extractable matter 可萃取物

    10. identification of dyestuff 染料鉴定

    11. starch content 淀粉含量

    12. filling & foreign matter content 填充物及杂质含量

    13. mercerisation in cotton 棉丝光处理

    14. formaldehyde content 甲醛含量

    15. hardness of water 水硬度

    16. mushroom reaction 发胀反应

    17. UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) 防自外光系数

    18. Nickel release 镍的释放度

    19. Microfibre 微纤维

    20. Verification of Ammonium finish on fabric 布料之铵整理剂鉴定

    21. Verification of plastic by UV 以自外光法鉴定塑料

    22. BHT. Content BHT含量

    23. Deterioration effect of UV exposure 自外光曝晒下劣化效果

    24. Azo dye 偶氮染料测试

    B. Construction analysis 结构分析

    1. yarn counts 纱支

    2. yarn twist (per yarn) 纱捻度(每秒钟)

    3. number of filaments 长丝数量

    4. fabric weight 布料重量

    5. fabric thickness 布料厚度

    6. threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(机织物)

    7. stitch density (knitted fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物)

    8. loop length (knitted fabrics) 线圈长度

    9. type of cut pile 割绒种类

    10. type of weave 梭织品织法分类

    11. measuring bow & skew 扭曲及歪斜量度

    12. cover factor 覆盖系数

    13. fabric width 布匹阔度

    14. length of thread ( per cone) 线长度 (每筒)

    15. crimp or take up of yarn 纱线绉缩或织缩率

    16. terry to ground ratio 毛圈经密与地经密度比

    17. identification of continuous / microscopic method 长丝 / 短纤维鉴定

    18. harness of corduroy 灯心绒的综合

    19. holes on synthetic fibres 纤维孔数

    C. Dimensional stability (shrinkage) and related tests 尺寸稳定性及有关测试

    1. dimensional stability to washing 水洗缩率测试

    2. each additional wash cycle 每增加一次水洗循环

    3. appearance after laundering 洗涤后外观

    4. dimensional stability to dry cleaning 干洗缩率

    5. each additional dryclean cycle 每增加一次干洗

    6. appearance after dry cleaning (appearance retention) 干洗后外观

    7. durable of applied designs and finishes to dry cleaning 印花花纹和整理剂性

    8. dimensional stability to relaxation 松弛缩率

    9. dimensional stability to felting 毡化缩率

    10. dimensional stability to free steam 蒸气缩率

    11. dimensional stability to heating in house 热缩率

    12. spirality / skewing of fabric & garments 织物和服装扭曲/歪斜

    13. dimensional stability to steam pressing / ironing 蒸气压烫/熨斗熨烫缩率

    14. tumbler shrinkage 圆筒烘干缩率

    15. cold water immersion 冷水浸洗缩率

    16. additional ironing 每增加一次熨烫

    17. effect after wash & pressing 洗涤后效果

    18. effect after pressing 熨后效果

    D. Colour fastness tests 染色坚牢度测试

    1. Washing 水洗

    2. Perspiration 汗液

    3. Dry & wet crocking / rubbing 摩擦

    4. Light 光照

    5. Water 水

    6. Sea water 海水

    7. Chlorinated water 氯水

    8. Dry cleaning 干洗

    9. Actual laundering (one wash) 实际洗涤(一次水洗)

    10. Commerical dryclean 商业干洗

    11. Dry heat 干热

    12. Hot pressing 热压

    13. Water spotting 水斑

    14. Acid spotting 酸斑

    15. Alkaline spottig 碱斑

    16. Bleaching漂白

    17. Chlorine bleaching 氯漂

    18. Non-chlorine bleaching 非氯漂

    19. Organic solvents 有机溶剂

    20. Sublimation during storage 存放升华

    21. Perborate 酸钠

    22. Phenolic yellowing 酚醛发黄

    23. Sweat & saliva 汗液及唾液

    24. Washing (with shrinkage conducted) 水洗色牢度(缩水测试后)

    25. Bleeding 渗色度

    26. Ozone 臭氧

    27. Gas fume 烟气

    28. Dye transfer in storage 储存时颜色转移

    29. Light & perspiration 光照及汗液

    30. Contact test 接触测试

    31. Wicking 吸水

    32. Colour transfer against special condition 特别情况下颜色转移

    33. Colour fastness to perborate & light 过硼酸盐及光照色牢度

    34. Colour fastness of fabrics 布料颜色牢度


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