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    放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-07-14  浏览次数:1165437625

    Lumber outputslips to5-yearlow


    Downward spiral deepenedin June as sawmills hit hard by U.S. housing slump


    MONTREAL–Canadian lumber productioncontinued its downward spiral in June amid signs on both sides of the border that an end to the slump isnowhere in sight.

    这里“Nowhere in sight “是什么意思?麻烦大家帮我翻译一下。谢谢!还有就是”Amid”如何用?

    June productionwas its lowest level for that month in five years as forestry companies continued to adjust to decreasing demand from abattered U.S. home construction market.


    Sawmills produced 6.1 million cubic metres of lumber in the month,down 2.4 per centfrom May and 8.4 per cent from June 2006, Statistics Canada reported yesterday. It was the lowest June production since 2002.


    In the first six months of this year, production was down by 9.5 per cent to 38.6 million cubic metres.


    Industry analysts say the results are hardly surprising.


    More recent data on U.S. housing starts and a strikein Western Canada portend to further declines to come.


    "We're expecting it to get even worse," said Mark Bishop of RBC Capital Markets in Vancouver.我们预料他会变的越来越遭,表达。在这里,“EXPECTING“不应该是”期望“的意思。

    "Now with the coastal strike on, we should see the July stats even lower."

    With housing starts not expected to increase until late 2008 or early 2009, the bottom won't be reached for a while, said Pierre Lacroix of Desjardins Securities.


    Volatility caused by the American housing market, mortgage difficulties and tightening credit situation make it difficult to forecast when the bottom will be struck. And the possibility of intervention by the U.S. Fed could result in higher mortgage rates that will stall a recovery, he added.


    "My expectation is to see a gradual improvement going forward, but it's going to be a slow one," he said in an interview.我的期望是看到一个逐渐好转的前进,但是可能是走如一个很低的点。

    The Statistics Canada results didn't fully reflect market conditions,considering that U.S. housing starts were down 20 per cent in June to 1.45 million units.


    That's primarily because producers have been running at capacity to feed a hot pulp market.

    "There is an awful lot of lumber capacity still running," Bishop said. "Pulp markets are so strong and fibre is so difficult to get a hold of there's an awful lot of integrated capacity that's running well beyond where it should be."

    Bishop said he expects companies, especially in Eastern Canada, will continue to idle sawmills and consolidate over the next six to 12 months.

    Consolidation starts with the proposed acquisition by Conifex of Domtar's assets. The merger of Abitibi-Consolidated and Bowater shouldresult in additional rationalization, he added.

    Canada's two leading lumber producing provinces – British Columbia and Quebec– both recorded lower production.人家要问你加拿大两个主要的木材省。。SEE答案。

    Quebecexperienced the greatest decline in the country, as production decreased by 20.4 per cent to 1.18 million cubic metres, or 19.1 per cent of total Canadian output.

    B.C.'s production was off by 4 per cent as coastal production fell by 9.4 per cent. The western province processed 52 per cent of the country's lumber in June.

    Quebec's production has declined monthly bydouble digitssince July 2006.

    Producers face reduced overall harvest quotas from the provincial government. They have also reduced volumes to fit a quota agreed to under option B of the softwood lumber agreement with the United States.

    Pulp and paper capacity has dropped very significantly in eastern Canada, allowing companies to shut capacity tied to sawmills.






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